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I had trouble even pressing the 'yes' after the slide screen. Everything is zoomed in and pretty much unreadable. I paid money for this, so needless to say I am very disappointed that it's unplayable...

Hi Sindere-chan, we are working on a fix which should resolve some of the reported problems. In the meantime we would like to offer a refund to you (let us know how we can do that). Thank you very much for your support, and we hope you'll be able to play the game soon!

(1 edit)

The game dosent work on my mac after the first jumpscare. Is there a way to fix this? Please Help.

ive been having the same problem i want to play it so badly too!!

Deleted 7 years ago
(1 edit) (+1)

@MonsoonLab If you were to go to the coordinates it gives you in real life, would there actually be something there or is it just to add a creepy aspect?

P.S. Love the game 10/10 I played through everything in the game. I even messed with the phone and stuff, but I could not find anything. Are there any hidden easter eggs that you can tell me about? If not you should definitely add some. Again 10/10 and I love how you use real people. It makes the game feel very real. :)

This game is amazing! Its scary and so real and great story. It might be short but you cant say its not awesome. 10/10!


what virsion did you get i think mines buged

I got windows im pretty sure!

Hopefully you can get it to work to play it.

yeah ikr my windows one isnt working so well

well i dont know what to say. mine worked just fine

huh I am not sure mine isn't working like normal

traslade please i love the Game becouse im not understand all the thinks

The game does not work on my Mac I start up the game and swap the I click yes they there is a jump scare they its done not work



It was good game! I loved how involved I felt in the story and the detail for Sara and IRIS. The scares got me good too!
That being said, I didn't feel like this game covered as much ground as it could have.
Something that interested me was how the player found the phone, and supposedly the last place the phone was located was in the same area you receive a call from James. It seemed like that was a wasted opportunity to have you, the player, under the role of someone already involved in the situation prior to using the phone, or the phone being sent to you for some reason.
When told about "not killing" because of choice, I thought things were ramping up to outsmart the scenario by waiting out the ten seconds. I was hoping the person offering the choice would imply disappointment since it would result in death. To which I wanted the protagonist to point out that death wasn't on the table if neither choice was made, thus putting the messenger in a position where they WOULD be the killer, forcing them to concede.
I noticed the messenger has two masks, from what I can tell. A red mask, and a black mask. I probably missed something there, but if I didn't, then it would be nice if there was some purpose behind that.
The messenger speaks in a way that's full of faulty logic, yet the responses you're given are very limited, taking me out of the experience. Not to mention many of the responses also resulted in the same replies.
It was a good game, like I said. I was actually very hopeful for it, and enjoyed it, but was also underwhelmed and a bit disappointed.


So i saw jacksepticeye play this game not too long ago and it caught my attention. So i got the game, but when I try to run the game it just opens and closes in less then a second. I really want to play but it wont even open. Can anyone help me. Or can the developer please release an update regarding this issue?

Deleted 7 years ago

this game gives me the creeps, awesome job.

" >

Did the game work properly for you?

I'm running Windows 10 64 bit and it is not working for me and I was wondering if you or anyone can help because the game looks so amazing and i would love to play.

how was it running? for me it was jumbled and pink/purple

yeah, windows 10 64bit here too but sorry don't really know what to tell you.

Mine hasn't even opened yet.

We just updated a new version. Can you try downloading it again?

I also am having the same issue with the Mac download as others have mentioned before this.


I downloaded the demo for Mac, however, I'm also getting a problem in running it. It will run to as far as restoring Iris and the first jump scare and I get a Terminal like screen with information regarding to sound. It then restarts the game. I opted for the demo version before buying the game fully in case of issues such as this. Hoping this will be fixed soon as I love these kind of games.

So this game got my attention and really want to play it. I've downloaded PC version (I use Win 10 64bit) The game can be opened. Then I close the game to finished my work and when I try to open the game again, it don't run at all. It's not even started. NOTHING.

So I switch to my Mac (Macbook Air 2014, Sierra) I can run it perfectly. But then after the first little jumpscare (the one after you're forced to restart) I'm stuck at the title screen (Game logo, headphone on icon, device strap icon, and Slide to Unlock). No matter I slide, it won't unlocked.

And this get me very upset.

So, don't donate to the developer yet until you finished the game, or at least get to play it. Please fix this asap. I'm an admin of a horror-fan facebook page and would love to review this game.

Hey Caragio,

Really sorry for the technical issues. We've just uploaded a new version, can you give it another shot?

Can't get past the "slide to unlock" screen. I click it and nothing happens. Anyone else getting this?

Every video I've seen people do, they just click and drag with no problem. I've tried to run it in compatibility mode and as administrator and nothing works. Really frustrating.

Game does not run on my Mac. 2014 version. Very disappointed. Would advise not donating until you ensure the game performs on your device.

i freaken loved it

are u sposed to get kicked out of da game at da end?

The game won't run, please help.

I am also having this issue. Have you found a solution to the problem yet? If I do I will gladly tell you how to resolve this issue.

Deleted 7 years ago
(2 edits)

Very cool and creepy game. Balanced being realistic and staying interesting very well.

I made a video of my playthrough:

How do I play in windowed mode?

What?! Sara had a AhooraMazda nape tattoo?!

correct; I meant FarVahar

Creepiest experience i waited the morning to come so i could relax after this!

I have problems downloading the game, but i really want to play! )): Anyone else??

you can download by using itch app.

I am, but there is just an error that keeps popping up whenever i try to launch the game

samr here

(1 edit)

Hey i love the game but why is coordinates 3.3411 101.8399? is it just random?

It's in the middle of a forest north east of Kuala Lumpur. So creepy.'28.0%22N+101%C2%B050'23.6%22E/@3.3415787,101.8398913,459m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d3.3411!4d101.8399

Why is it so creepy in the middle of a forest north east of Kuala Lumpur

IKR!!! It creeped me the hell out! I thought it was real for a sec.

Will there be release for ios soon? @moonsoonlab

Very interesting idea! Wishing you luck on Steam Greenlight! :)

Cant start the game though.

Error loading: C:\...\Sara is Missing\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll

Downloaded Java and Java JRE nothing changed

I have the same error, and no idea how to fix it.

Have u tried 64 bit java? ... idk about mac and os but 64 bit ran just fine

Love this game!!! Really well made =) Because of this game I bought Replica on steam! (Even though Replica was the game that inspired this, right?)

Amazing game! Definitely my top 10 of the year, hands down! Concept was great, story progression was on point and the premise is very plausible. I give the rest of my review in the video. Any plans for a sequel?

An interesting game. I especially like its presentation . the whole phone environment is simulated pretty convincingly with lots of nice touches and side information. AndI loved uncovering more about Sara's life. However the second half was, in my opinion, trying to hard to be scary and disturbing. I would appreciate more subtle story progression that would slowly introduce player into some creepier stuff instead of just some murder cult (although I admit that maybe I didn't decipher a lot of hidden messages here). For example after you read Sara's messages with her mom it would be great if you would later receive messages or a call from her dad (whose contact can actually be found in the phone).

But a good start so far. I wish you luck with this in the future.

So, is 30th February 2016 really a thing?

Very nice idea.

Just one thing (SPOILER!!!!!) - when at the end you are asked to make a choice, the question given to you is "Who lives to see a next day?" but the answer you give is to the question "Who dies?" which is very confusing.

Amazing :) )

For the first time I played the game was about 1am when red room video played i was freaked out and then oh may god, the james called me i was scared as hell because fir a second i forgot this is a game and actually nobody is calling me , i throught my mobile and get back ti sleep 😂😂

There is a problem😖how can i finish the game but sara and faith live?

Stil trying

Deleted 7 years ago

Interesting concept but most of the horror seems to be from being very loud. Also you might want to pick less well known freaky videos than stuff from marble hornets

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted post
Deleted 3 years ago

Hey in game, how do you exit out? Like quit the game? And does it have an auto-save?

Deleted post

Mobile version all you have to do is exit the game, it will auto save all progress made

One of the best horror games on Tablets/phones Also I like the music that the creaters Used Also I Killed Sara on my first play through of the game by accident

Sara is not missing.

She is dead now.

IRIS looked kinda... Mad with me.

But I don't care...

"I feel like god now"

It this only a demo? If so, I know what you should have to get it to end. You should make it to where you go to the coordinates and see the cult you joined. Or you can make that an easter egg. Speaking of that, you should put some easter eggs in the game.

This is a masterpiece. I really love the game; the story, the interface, the lurking danger that hides. This is brilliant. Congrats for the award and keep up the amazing work!

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